
Showing posts from November, 2012

BTDF–(Best) Practices

  Hereby a list of practices I now tend to follow after some experience with it, I have additional features that I will share in the future, but at the beginning of the project, please think about all (and more) settings such as; Choice: Disable starting of ports etc <StartApplicationOnDeploy>False</StartApplicationOnDeploy> <StartReferencedApplicationsOnDeploy>False</StartReferencedApplicationsOnDeploy> <EnableAllReceiveLocationsOnDeploy>False</EnableAllReceiveLocationsOnDeploy> Rationale : Starting applications is useful on dev/test not on accp/prod) Note: These settings are part of the ‘standard’ settings, which to my knowledge cannot be overwritten, therefore you should choose the safest option.   Choice: Always use masterbindings Rationale : Standardisation, in all application you will use, there will be some ports that use masterbindings. If this is used from the start all projects will have the same structure. In most of the